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March 12, 2020


Dear Trinity ‘Ohana:


Trinity Lutheran School continues to monitor the COVID-19 information available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the State of Hawai’i Department of Health.  We will continue updates to our families as needed through email and our school website.  


As of today, we have no plans of cancelling school and school events.  Inter-island travel is not impacted; therefore, the middle school excursion to the Big Island is on schedule until we are otherwise advised from the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) that advises travelers otherwise. 


As Spring Break begins, we realize that our school families may have travel plans.  We ask that we all monitor travel warnings and guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Everyone should consider postponing personal travel to high-risk (Level 3) countries as designated by the CDC.  Under CDC guidelines, travelers returning from China, Iran, Italy and/or South Korea should remain at home, and not report to work for 14 days after leaving these countries and practice social distancing. 


Reported through local news sources, Urgent Care Hawaii is offering curbside COVID-19 screening and testing at three O’ahu locations; Pearl City, Kapolei, and Kailua.  For more information, visit


The well-being of our students, faculty and staff is of our utmost concern.  Therefore, effective with the start of 4th quarter, our student Perfect Attendance program is suspended.  We want all students and their families to take all measures possible to ensure they are completely healthy before returning to school should they become ill with any type of sickness. 


We continue to pray for the health of all our friends and families of Trinity.  May you be blessed and stay safe over the break.  We will continue to send updates about COVID-19 as circumstances develop.  


In HIS peace,


Kyle D. Klemp, Principal
Trinity Lutheran School


March 3, 2020

Dear Trinity ‘Ohana:


Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 

Trinity Lutheran School is monitoring the COVID-19 information available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the State of Hawai’i Department of Health.  We will update our families as needed through email and our school website.  

As the CDC emphasized, there is not currently a coronavirus pandemic in the United States. A pandemic occurs when a disease is spreading from a variety of sources across a large region, and the number of cases across the US is still small. However, given how quickly the global situation is evolving, we are monitoring new developments and will continue to reevaluate our steps and actions daily. 

As a reminder, Trinity’s Illness Policy as found in the Parent/Teacher Handbook:


 A fever is any body temperature elevation over 100°F.
Students with a fever must stay home until fever free for 24 hours without fever- reducing medication.  If a student is sent home with a fever, they will not be allowed to attend school the next day.
Students are required to stay home for 24 hours following the last episode of vomiting, diarrhea, a fever of at least 100°F, and the initial administration of an antibiotic.

If your child has a communicable disease such as chicken pox, head lice, conjunctivitis (pink eye), strep throat, or any illness which keeps him/her home for three or more consecutive days, a doctor’s certificate is required for re-admittance to school.

It is good practice that we are all reminded of the following to prevent the spread of germs:   



  • Wash our hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.  

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.  

  • Stay home when sick.  

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.  

  • Faculty and staff are also asked to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.  


Currently, Trinity Lutheran School has no plans to cancel any upcoming school events or field trips.  Please continue to look for further communications from us on this matter. 


Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. Psalm 91:1-3 

In HIS peace,

Kyle D. Klemp, Principal

Trinity Lutheran School

March 18, 2020


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way ~ Psalm 46:1-2
Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46:10


Trinity Lutheran School continues to closely monitor the rapidly evolving COVID -19 situation and is keeping those affected by this world-wide pandemic in thought and prayer.


With the rapid escalation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) across the world, along with the concern of community spread of COVID-19 and the need for social distancing to help protect our island community, Trinity Lutheran School has made the difficult decision to close the campus to students beginning March 30, 2020 (following our regular spring break) and begin transitioning all students to its distance learning program.


Trinity plans the following in the coming days and weeks:

  • Our spring break will be extended for two days (March 30 and 31, 2020) to allow our teachers time to prepare for the implementation of our PK3 to Grade 8 distance learning program which will begin on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. 

  • The campus will be closed for at least the first two weeks of April, at which time we will re-evaluate the situation going forward. While we all hope and pray for a rapid remedy to this pandemic and that we can resume in person classes in the near term, our families should be prepared for the possibility that our distance learning program will need to be extended beyond this two-week period.

  • We have begun working on a comprehensive Distance Learning Plan for grades PK3 to Grade 8 that will soon be shared.

  • There will be no on-campus instruction or school activities until further notice.

  • Lunch orders for the month of April are cancelled.


We apologize for the inconvenience that this will most assuredly cause our families, but we are confident that this is the correct course of action and that quality learning can and will continue during these unprecedented and challenging times.  


Trinity remains vigilant in its monitoring of the latest developments and will continue to update you as needed through emails. 


For the latest information on COVID-19, please refer to the following resources:

As always, please do not hesitate to contact the school office should you have any questions and please remain patient as we collectively and confidently navigate these uncharted waters. Mahalo and blessings to each of you!


In HIS peace,


Kyle D. Klemp, Principal

Trinity Lutheran School


March 20, 2020



Aloha Crusader 'Ohana,

I appreciate the overwhelming support of our decision to close our campus and transition to our Distance Learning Program. Our teachers continue to enjoy their Spring Break, but are already planning out their classes for the start of the 4th quarter which is now beginning, officially, April 1st, 2020. You will be receiving an individualized plan for each class Monday night, March 30th. In the meantime, I am in the office from 8:00am-4:00pm all week next week and 7:15am-3:15pm starting the week of March 30th. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are trying to limit the number of people on campus, so if you need to come in, please call or email the office in advance. Mahalo.


Because of the proliferation of COVID-19 our scheduled school events have changed quite a bit. Please see the changes below. We understand the disappointment these changes may cause, but the safety of our students and community are most important.  Mahalo and blessings on your night.


Basketball Season - CANCELLED
7:  Track Meet @ Castle HS (Grades 5-8) - CANCELLED
8:   Quarterly Awards Recognition, 8am in Chapel - LIVE VIDEO
14-17:  Battle of the Books - POSTPONED
20-24: SAT Testing (Grades 2-8) - CANCELLED
21:  Dining for Trinity @ Teddy’s Bigger Burger Wahiawa (NJHS fundraiser) - ON HOLD
29:  Fruit of the Spirit Awards, Chapel - LIVE VIDEO



1:  May Day, 6pm @ LHS Gymnasium (school dismissal @ 1:30pm) - CANCELLED
4-8:  Teacher Appreciation Week (PTT sponsored) - ON HOLD
11:   Awards Ceremony - ON HOLD
12:  Dining for Trinity @ CPK Mililani (PTT fundraiser) - ON HOLD
13:  Aloha Chapel (Riviere, Montminy, Davis) - ON HOLD
13:  Fruit of the Spirit Awards, Chapel - ON HOLD
15:  PS/PK Field Trip to Chuck E. Cheese Kapolei - CANCELLED
18:  Spring Band & Choir Concert, 6:30pm @ TLC Chapel - ON HOLD
20-22:  7th & 8th Grade Big Island Trip - CANCELLED
27:  8th Grade Graduation, 6:30pm @ TLC Chapel - ON HOLD
28:  PreK Graduation, 5:30pm @ TLC Chapel - ON HOLD
29:  Quarterly Awards Recognition, 8am @ Chapel - ON HOLD
29:  Last Day of School (Grades K-7), 11:30am dismissal - AS SCHEDULED


In HIS peace,


Kyle D. Klemp, Principal

Trinity Lutheran School


March 23, 2020



Aloha Crusader 'Ohana,

We are continuing to monitor the COVID19 situation here in our island. With daily news briefings and updates from our local and state governments, it is pretty easy to get caught up and distracted by the chaos. My prayer is for the health and safety for all. I would ask that you continue to abide by the mandates set before us and trust that by complying, we can do our part to "flatten the curve" and, sooner than later, return to our normal routines. 


I hope that during this time of quarantine and shelter in place you are able to find some peace and calmness. Maybe you'll even have a chance to reconnect with family or friends. I know many of you have questions, and I appreciate you reaching out to us. The biggest piece of advice I can give right now is to be patient. We are putting together a great distance learning program for your child. Discussions have picked up today with most of our teachers coming in to the school today to work. Priority number one is safety. The solution to that is a state mandate to stay at home. Done. Priority number two is delivering to and for you a great educational plan for the duration of this shelter in place mandate. We will! We are still on track to have your teacher contact you Monday night, March 30th and also to roll out our distance learning program on April 1st, 2020. We know there will be lots of questions and we will continue to communicate and work with you during this transition.


Our office staff is working from home as of March 24th. Mrs. Flores will still be available by school phone from 7:30-3:00pm or by email. Mrs. Peterson will be available by email. 


We are planning a drive thru pick up day for Tuesday, March 31st. I again ask for your patience as we work out the details, but I know some need to be able to get supplies and we are making Tuesday available for you. Other than that, if you need to come on campus, you'll be asked to make an appointment so that we can be sure someone is able to assist you.


A key component to our Distance Learning program will require the use of an iPad, Chromebook or computer. If this presents a problem for you, please let me know and we will be able to help.


Finally, please continue to pray for God to deliver us from the pandemic, peace and cooperation in government, and the health and well-being for all. Mahalo and blessings on your night.


In HIS peace,


Kyle D. Klemp, Principal

Trinity Lutheran School


March 25, 2020



Aloha Crusader 'Ohana,

As you know, the State of Hawaii is in shelter in place, as recently ordered by Governor Ige.  Due to this mandate, our Distance Learning program is extended through April 30th.  

All of our teachers are deep in planning how their virtual classroom will challenge and provide educational growth the same way the traditional classroom does.  They are excited to connect with students and their families.  Please contact me at any time to address any questions you may have.  

A key component to our Distance Learning program will require the use of an iPad, Chromebook or computer. Attached is our Electronic Device Agreement. If you are in need of a device, please contact the school office. It is our goal to equip all families with a device. If the demand meets our supply we will be able to give families with multiple children more devices. But for starters, each family will receive one device.

Tuesday, March 31st, families will need to come to our drive-thru service to pick-up their child/ren’s supplies.  Kindly line up like you would for school dismissal, and we will deliver your child/ren’s supplies to your car.  For your safety & practice of social distancing, please do not park or leave your car. See the schedule below.  If you have multiple children, please come to the scheduled time of your eldest student.  Contact Mrs. Flores by email,, if you are unable to come at your designated time.  It is important that you make arrangements ahead of time.  

March 31st, Drive-thru Service

8:30-9:30am:  Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten
9:45-10:45am: Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd

11:00-12:00pm:  3rd, 4th, & 5th

12:30-1:30pm:  6th

1:45-2:45pm:  7th & 8th 

Next week, parents will receive an email by Monday night, March 30th with their student’s class schedules.   Drive-through service to pick up supplies is on Tuesday, March 31st.    Fourth quarter through Distance Learning will begin on Wednesday, April 1st. 

As a reminder, the campus is closed and available to our essential staff only.  Should you need to visit the campus, please call or email the front office in advance to make arrangements.  

We ask that our community of students, parents, and staff practice sheltering in place.  If there is a need to leave your home; please use social distancing as recommended by the CDC.  As always, continue to use good hygiene habits.

Lastly, while the days ahead are somewhat disconcerting for our school, state, country and world, I also see it as an exciting opportunity for the faculty & staff of Trinity to make a meaningful difference to our students at an otherwise extremely changing time.  We look forward to a continued partnership and thank you for your commitment to Trinity Lutheran School.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact the school office should you have any questions.


In HIS peace,


Kyle D. Klemp, Principal

Trinity Lutheran School



March 27, 2020


Aloha Families,


Mahalo for you patience as we near the beginning of our Distance Learning Program next week. There have been many updates along the way and I appreciate your sifting through all the information. Below is our schedule of important dates for next week.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings on your weekend.


Monday, March 30th: 

Teacher prep day for Distance Learning

Parents contacted Monday night by their homeroom teacher.

Tuesday, March 31st: 

Teacher prep day for Distance Learning 

Family drive thru day to pick up supplies.

8:30-9:30am:  Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten
9:45-10:45am: Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd

11:00-12:00pm:  3rd, 4th, & 5th

12:30-1:30pm:  6th

1:45-2:45pm:  7th & 8th 

Wednesday, April 1st:

4th quarter officially begins

8:00am join Mr. Klemp on Facebook live for announcements

Orientation day for students and parents.

Thursday, April 2nd, Friday April 3rd:

Classes continue


In HIS peace,

Mr. Klemp


April 17, 2020


Aloha Crusader ‘Ohana,


First and foremost I want you to know that each morning I start my day by praying for your safety and well-being. As many of us face hardships and uncertainty in the future, our theme verse for school this year fits absolutely perfectly; “For all the promises of God find their YES in Jesus”. Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day, gives us a living hope! Jesus conquered the grave just as God promised He would. Because I know that my redeemer lives, I can boldly proclaim that God will see us through this storm, and He is with us through it all. 


My goal has and continues to be to bring everyone back onto our campus as quickly as possible so we can return to our normal routines and be with each other again. I miss you! The best part of my days have been the few minutes I get to pop into your classes and see your happy faces. Seeing you safe and happy, and learning, brings me so much JOY! 


President Trump just initiated a 3-phase plan for individual states to lift their COVID19 restrictions and “reopen.” Hawaii Gov. Ige stated last night that Hawaii is still not eligible for phase 1 which requires a 14 day period of downward trajectory of confirmed COVID19 cases. This announcement means that Trinity will not be able to come back to regular campus activities on May 1st, our scheduled return to campus date. 


All decisions that are made are with the best interest and safety of our Trinity ‘Ohana!  As all signs point to an extension of the stay at home order, Trinity Lutheran will be extending its Distance Learning program until Friday, May 8th with the hope of returning to campus on Monday, May 11th. You will receive another update on May 1st at which point we will know if we have to extend our Distance Learning program through the end of the school year.


I ask that you continue to follow the guidelines set by the CDC and Hawaii State Department of Health. Together we will flatten the curve and get back together again! I eagerly await that day. Mahalo for your continued support, prayers and encouragement. We are all working harder than ever, but us parents and teachers alike, know that we do it for our keiki. As always, please do not hesitate to contact the school office should you have any questions. May God continue to bless you all and keep you safe. He is RISEN! Alleluia!


In HIS peace,


Kyle D. Klemp, Principal

Trinity Lutheran School


April 24, 2020



Aloha Crusader ‘Ohana,


In the ever changing days of COVID19 that we are living in, the latest update from our state officials this week has given us no choice but to extend out Distance Learning through the end of the school year. 


On behalf of our entire faculty and staff at Trinity Lutheran Church and School, we are truly disappointed that we will not get to see our students on campus in our classrooms for the remainder of this school year. We miss the students and our normal routines. We empathize with everyone not being able to be together, but we are continually reminded by our medical professionals that we must sacrifice now so that we can resume normal life sooner and safely. The day will come when we will look back and know what a valuable part we all played in the safety and care for all the people of Hawaii. 


I am so thankful and appreciative of all the hard work, you the parents, and all our teachers are putting into Distance Learning. Mahalo, parents, for learning to become teachers overnight and partnering with us to guide our keiki through this new phase of learning. Trinity teachers are working harder than ever to provide a quality online education, and we are committed to our standard of excellence you have come to expect from us.


Here are some adjustments for the rest of the school year:


  • Friday, May 1st - No School.

  • Friday, May 1st  - Drive Thru Pick Up Day (see schedule below). Your teachers will have supplies and materials ready for you for the remainder of the school year. Families with multiple children, please come to the pick-up time of your eldest child.  

    • Schedule as follows:  

      • 1030am-1115am:  Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten

      • 1115am-12pm:  Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd Grades

      • 12:30pm-1:15pm:  3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades

      • 1:15pm-2:00pm:  6th Grade

      • 2:15pm-3:00pm:  7th & 8th Grades

  • Friday, May 1st - Varsity Basketball turn in uniforms

  • There will be no Spring Band and Choir concert.

  • There will be no Athletic Awards ceremony.

  • Wednesday, May 27 - 8th Grade Last Day

  • Wednesday, May 27 - 8th Grade Graduation (graduations are still being planned)

  • Thursday, May 28th - PK  Graduation (graduations are still being planned)

  • Thursday, May 28th Last Day Preschool through 7th. 

  • Friday, May 29th Drive Thru Collection( All school supplies will need to be returned.  Registration packets and requested school records will be distributed on this date.)

  • Tuesday, July 28, 2020 classes resume for our 2020-21 school year.


We are thankful for God’s protection and provision and our prayers continue to be for your health and happiness. May the Lord bless you and keep you in HIS arms.


In HIS peace,


Kyle D. Klemp

June 10, 2020



“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for His steadfast 

love endures forever!” ~ Psalm 118:1


Aloha Crusaders,


Are you as thankful as I am? I’m thankful it's summer! Whether at Trinity or elsewhere, we all made it through the 4th quarter of distance learning. Praise God. And, although maybe not the same as always, we can look forward to visiting with family and friends, extra beach time, barbecues, and rest. I truly hope and pray you all are able to enjoy some rest and relaxation time this summer. You deserve it.


I’m thankful that Hawaii is slowly starting to reopen. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited to get a haircut in my entire life, and I used to get suckers when I was finished...Part of the state’s reopening process also includes the reopening of schools. I am excited to announce that Trinity Lutheran School will be back in session, in-person schooling, on July 28, 2020. Trinity Lutheran’s 67th year is getting ready to go! And all God’s people said Amen! 


I have been working in conjunction with HiDOE, HAIS, and HDOH as we have begun to work through some changes needed when school does return on July 28th. Attached to this document are the latest guidelines for reopening schools. As noted by Phil Bossert, Executive Director - Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS), "...these are suggestions, recommendations and guidance – not mandates.  As such, it is up to each school to use this guidance as a basis for developing its own reopening plan that is workable in light of its facilities, staffing and student body." 


Trinity’s plan will incorporate as many of these guidelines as we feel we can effectively adhere to with our available resources. These guidelines are for our K-8 classes. Our Preschool and PreKindergarten classes, also reopening on July 28th, will have many of the same changes, but will also include a few stricter procedural changes to maintain the health and safety of all.


Some of our updates are listed below. We are continuing to adapt our policies with the latest news and guidance provided by our state leaders. We will be sending out updates throughout the summer to highlight any updates or changes we make. As of today, here are some key points:


  1. No visitors will be allowed in the classrooms. The recommendation is to limit as many non-essential people on campus as possible. Parents will be allowed to bring their child(ren) to the classroom; they just won’t be allowed to go into the classroom. We know it will be hard for some to just drop their kids off at the door, but we appreciate your cooperation as we try and maintain a safe and healthy campus.

  2. K-8 students will no longer wait on the lanai until 7:30am to enter their classrooms. They will go straight into class upon their timely arrival to school (no earlier than 7:15am). If arriving after 7:50am; students will need to enter through the front office. We will still offer before school care which will begin at 6:30am.

    1. Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten students are allowed to enter their classrooms beginning at 7:30am.

  3. All students will be temperature checked by their teacher before entering the classroom. If any student has a temperature higher than one hundred degrees (100.0°), they will not be allowed to stay.

  4. Masks in the classroom will not be mandated, but will be optional. We are still working out if/when they'll need to be worn in public areas.

    1. Parents/Guardians picking up K-8 grade students are encouraged to utilize the drive-thru service entering the main parking lot off of California Avenue. If parking on the basketball court to pick up your child/ren; please stay in your car until school is dismissed to avoid gathering on the campus lanai.

  5. We will not hold our Meet and Greet scheduled for July 23rd. Teachers will schedule one on one orientations with families. This will include our preschool and prekindergarten families as well.  The specific details are still being worked out.

  6. We will postpone and/or cancel our off campus field trips through the first quarter. We are looking into other ways to enhance the educational experience for our students.


Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we travel through this summer together. I do anticipate changes and updates as the state continues to loosen its restrictions. We will continue to keep you as informed as we receive new information.


Trinity Lutheran is committed to providing the best educational experience for your keiki while maintaining the safest environment possible. I am thankful that you have put your trust in us. Our entire faculty and staff feel blessed, honored, and humbled to be able to serve you and your family as God has called us. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come unto me.’ I am thankful to bring your children back onto our campus, where we will continue to share the love of Jesus, just as Trinity has been doing for 66 years!


We are here for you. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our summer office hours are 9:00am-1:00pm. You can also contact us via email at Mahalo and God’s blessings to each of you!


In HIS peace,


Kyle Klemp, Principal

Trinity Lutheran School

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Trinity Lutheran School

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