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General Information in Regards to COVID-19

What is COVID-19?
Updated March 17, 2020
*Indicates updated content


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the illness/syndrome caused by this novel coronavirus is named COVID-19. The virus was previously known as 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). As of March 11, 2020, the WHO named COVID-19 a pandemic due to the rising cases across numerous countries.


According to the world health community, the coronavirus is a contagious respiratory illness that originated in Wuhan, China, and could prove fatal to susceptible populations. As of March 2, 2020, the mortality rate for the virus is less than 3%, with the vast majority of those affected surviving the disease. Those over the age of 40 or with weakened immune systems are most vulnerable to serious illness from the virus.


What are symptoms?


Reported signs of infection include fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In severe cases, as seen in cases of persons with underlying and chronic health issues, the infection can cause pneumonia, kidney failure, severe acute respiratory syndrome or death.


What is the incubation period?


An incubation period is defined as the period of time between exposure to a pathogen and the onset of the first symptoms. According to the CDC, COVID-19 symptoms may appear between 2-14 days after exposure.


What are the best practices for reducing respiratory infections?


  • Hands should be washed often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  • When coughing or sneezing, cover mouth and nose with a tissue. Dispose immediately.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Avoid contact with anyone exhibiting cold-like symptoms

  • Avoid sharing drinks or food

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