Principal's Message

Aloha and Blessings to each of you!
Welcome to Trinity’s 71st year of serving the people of Hawaii! I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy & safe.
As we look back on 70 years of ministry at Trinity Lutheran School, we have so many reasons to be thankful. Trinity has been the firm foundation in the lives of thousands of students and their families. By focusing on excellence and being centered in Christ, we will remain steadfast in serving our families, while we continue to seek new and safe ways to grow and improve our programs. It is our goal to draw out and inspire the best in our students as we provide them with opportunities to create, explore, and learn. Procedures and policies have been adapted to mirror the times we are living in, but we have seen that Trinity remains a blessing to its community. God is good, all the time, and we trust that HIS plan is for Trinity to thrive! Our theme verse for the school year, 1 John 3:1, “See what kind of love the Father has for us that we should be called children of God, and so we are!”, is a perfect theme for us this school year. Your child will hear and know that every day they come to Trinity, they are LOVED. Where does this love come from? It comes from their caring and genuine teachers, but most importantly their father in Heaven. Why is this love shown to us? It is because we are God's children and we will celebrate daily being a child of God!
If these past few years have shown us anything it is that God is in control. Our hearts and minds can be overwhelmed with anxiety and worry. Well fear not! In the midst of all this, we find that one thing never changes and that is the love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has for us! I am certain of this! As we begin this new school year, I welcome you to our Trinity family. We will share this love of Jesus daily with each of you. And, with God's protection and provision for us, we will thrive this year in a safe, fun and most importantly, Christ-filled environment.
Trinity Lutheran has so much to be thankful for! A huge mahalo goes out to all our dedicated parents and teachers of Trinity. Our fundraising efforts have been a huge success and we couldn’t do it without your support. Our Regal fundraiser and our Dining for Trinity nights have been huge successes. Our annual golf tournament raised over $15,000 to help support scholarships for our students! Our annual Fun Run raised over $37,000 and every dollar earned directly benefits our students. What a blessing to have so many wonderful people working to be able to provide amazing opportunities for our keiki!
Our Crusader Athletics Program remains interscholastic, competitive, and fun, providing students as young as third grade with healthy opportunities to meet the physical and mental challenges of volleyball, basketball, cross country, and track and field. Our girls Varsity Basketball team finished second in the league last year while our boys finished 3rd. Keiki fit, an after school activity class offered to our Kindergarteners - 4th graders, was so popular that we have expanded the program this year! Through parent support and grant monies we were able to resurface our basketball court and purchase new basketball hoops and a new volleyball system.
Not only do we offer extracurricular athletics, but Trinity Lutheran is proud to go above and beyond basic state requirements by maintaining our Physical Education (PE) program for all grade levels.
Yet another outstanding element that brings an abundance of pride to our school is Music. Fourth and fifth grade students perform as a Choir, while fourth through eighth grade students may choose Beginning or Advanced Band as an elective course. Handbell choir is offered as a middle school elective. Students in preschool through third grade have regularly-scheduled music classes twice a week. We are truly blessed to have an amazing music program at Trinity!
Thanks to the generous donations of our stakeholders, our STEAM center has grown and will continue to provide stimulating and challenging lessons and activities for all our students.. We are excited to offer a variety of age-appropriate resources and activities that students of all grades will be able to engage in daily. Trinity's intentional and balanced implementation of technology for the sake of enhancing the learning experience and preparing our students for their futures remains a priority. We are thrilled to offer a variety of elective classes such as: Robotics, German, Yearbook, Handbells, Strategic Games, Debate, & Esports for our middle school, while finding new and meaningful ways to use our iPads and Chromebooks in every classroom.
Above all else, we are faithful to our mission of sharing the love of Jesus Christ. It is Christ’s love, as shown in our devoted faculty and staff, that sets apart Trinity Lutheran School. It is a blessing and honor to serve our Ê»Ohana each day.
Mahalo for taking the time to learn about Trinity Lutheran School. We hope you will join us in celebrating our 71st year of serving the families of Central Oahu, with decidedly Christian, and distinctively excellent education. God bless you and keep you safe.
In HIS peace,
Kyle D. Klemp